William Collier Design is a salon specializing in partial and full-head wigs and hair replacement systems for men and women in the greater Seattle, WA area. We work to help manage thinning, natural hair loss, hair loss due to Alopecia, to medical conditions and as the result of trichotillomania Our solutions are available to both men and women, and we’re a transgender-friendly facility. Call or text now to set up an appointment with us today. Our friendly, professional staff is ready to assist you in restoring your hair and your confidence!
For men and women alike, hair is an important part of your sense of self. It’s part of who you are, the style you love and the image you represent. When your hair is taken away from you—whether by illness, genetics or for another reason—regaining it is an important step in building back your self-confidence and self-image.
At William Collier Design, we specialize in non-surgical hair replacement, helping Seattle, WA area clients overcome their hair loss and look in the mirror with confidence. We offer a tremendous selection of human hair wigs, synthetic wigs and toppers, backed by a full staff of stylists who can assist in tailoring them to the exact look you want. We go out of our way to make sure you’re treated with dignity and compassion, no matter your situation. We frequently work with individuals experiencing hair loss due to trichotillomania, chemotherapy and conditions like alopecia.
We’re also a transgender-friendly facility, helping transitioning individuals feel more like themselves with human hair wigs styled to accentuate your features. No matter who you are or what your hair needs are, we address them with kindness and understanding.
Above and beyond styling and education, we understand that non-surgical hair replacement is a personal service. That means getting to know you and helping you understand the care and maintenance associated with both human hair wigs and synthetic wigs. We work hard to form a rapport with our clients so they always feel comfortable coming to see us, and we empower you to make confident decisions about your hair with the full support of our team! Schedule your appointment today and explore your options for hair restoration and the confidence that comes with it.
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Feb 21, 2020
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Hair is a part of your self-image, tied to your self-confidence. We strive to give you back the look you want, no matter the reason behind your hair loss. Schedule your appointment today and regain the confidence you’ve been missing with a non-surgical hair replacement, tailored to fit a look and style you love.