Norwood Chart
Type I
Minimal recession. This type of hair loss may be a concern as a possible indication of future hair loss. However, this hair loss condition does not always move to other extensive types of hair loss. A change of hairstyle that might allow more coverage in front can often be a satisfying choice. Should the hair loss continue, a consultation with a certified hair replacement specialist or dermatologist may be helpful.
Type II
This illustrates a “U” shape front hairline with slight recession. Suggestion would be the same as Type I.
Type III
The recession is more pronounced and may be more difficult to cover. A visit to a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis is recommended, this should include a complete examination of the entire head. A topical treatment may be the recommendation or micro-graft transplant surgery for a more permanent solution without the ongoing expense of the topical solution.
Type IV
The recession in front is the same as Type III with thinning also occurring in the crown. Recommendation is the same as Type III. Due to the additional thinning in the crown, a cosmetic hair replacement would be an additional choice to those affected with Type III. Locating a hair replacement specialist for a consultation would be appropriate at this point.
Type V
More extensive hair loss in front and crown. Topical Treatments may be less effective at this point and a cosmetic hair system or micro-graft transplant surgery may be the best choice.
Type VI
The recession appears more extreme and fully connects with the hair loss in the crown. Topical treatments may be less effective at this point and a cosmetic hair system or micro-graft transplant surgery may be the best choice.
Type VII
Severe hair loss on the entire head. Due to the extent of hair loss at this stage, topical treatments may not be a good choice. Micro-graft surgical implants could be an appropriate choice providing there is sufficient hair growth in the “donor area” located at the back of the head approximately three inches up from the back hair line. An appointment with a reputable transplant clinic for a total evaluation is recommended. For those not wanting to bare the expense of surgery or just prefer not to have surgery, a cosmetic hair system would be an appropriate consideration.
If you would like more information about how we can help, please contact us to schedule a complimentary consultation.