
10 Tips for Managing Holiday Stress from the National Trichotillomania Website

December 01, 2010

Don't Let the Holiday Season Bring You Down:

10 Tips for Managing Overload During the Busiest Time of the Year

Online Resources: 

  • Regional Support Groups
  • Online Support Groups and Chat Rooms
  • Find a Treatment Provider
  • Inspirational Text Messages from Christina Pearson

Personal Stories on

  •  50 Ways to Stop Pulling Your Hair
  • It Can Happen
  • Mom Steps up to the TTM Plate! Advice for Parents


Now that the long Thanksgiving weekend is behind us, the holiday season and its many celebrations have begun. Every day, we hear messages of joy, love and peace. But for many, depression and anxiety often run high around the holiday season, and those messages of joy may make it harder to cope with negative feelings. Plus, with increased depression and anxiety, we often experience an increase in urges to pull or pick. Rather than let these feelings and behaviors get the best of us during this time of celebration and joy, it can be helpful to recognize our holiday triggers and plan coping strategies in advance.

Keep reading: 10 Tips to Manage Holiday Stress and Avoid Pulling or Picking Overwhelm 

With Love,


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