
How to Store, Shampoo & Care for your Hair System

April 01, 2009

Hi Everyone,

We get lots of questions about how to best take care of a hair system - below is the information we typically share with our clients regarding how to shampoo, condition and store thier hair systems in order to maintain thier personal style while enhancing it's longevity.   As always - we welcome your comments and questions.

Judi Wygant-Collier

Instructions for Storing, Shampooing and Conditioning Your Hair System

We suggest that you always use the products recommended by your hair system specialist. If you are not satisfied with the results of these products, call for proper instruction. It is important that you maintain your hair system consistent with these instructions in order to insure the condition & longevity of your hair system


The best way to store your hair system is to place it on a Styrofoam or canvas head block. It would be most appropriate to cover with plastic if for some reason you are not using it for a prolonged period.


For the most desirable results; fill the basin with cool water, add two tablespoons of Shampoo (more if needed), mix shampoo and water until suds appear. Place the hair System into the basin and allow it to soak for a few minutes. There is no need to use any scrubbing or rubbing manipulations similar to those usually associated with shampooing. After the hair system has been in the sudsy water for approximately three to five minutes, drain the basin and rinse the hair with cool water until all shampoo is completely gone and gently squeeze excess water from the hair.


Your new hair system will need to be conditioned after each shampoo. Completely saturate the hair with the conditioner. While the hair is wet and saturated with conditioner, using the appropriate brush, start at the ends of the hair and gently brush the hair in a downward motion to remove any tangle. After the conditioner has been on the hair for at least three to five minutes and the tangles have been completely removed rinse the hair with cool water. Do not use any force to remove tangles. After you have rinsed the hair, towel dry the hair to remove all excess moisture. Now you are ready to style the hair.


Using the products recommended for styling the hair will help you achieve the desired results. When styling the hair use gentle motions; when using a hand held hair dryer use medium heat and hold the dryer four to six inches from the hair. After you have achieved the desired style, spray the hair with the hair spray recommended by the hair systems specialist. For best results use hair spray sparingly.

General Maintenance:

  • Always store your hair addition on a styrofoam or canvas head block (smaller than the base to avoid stretching).
  • Most wearers can go from 10 to 14 days between shampoos.
  • Clean your tape and skin areas with alcohol wipes nightly.
  • Never store your hair addition near a heat source above 120 degrees.
  • Sunlight fades all hair.
  • Never perm, color or cut your own hair addition.
  • When using a curling or flat iron we recommend using a heat protective product such asAG Insulate.
  • Wearing your hair addition while you are sleeping, on a regular basis, is hard on the hair and fiber and may reduce the life of the hair addition.
  • Your hair addition will naturally lose hair over time. You can have hair added to the system, which will enhance the appearance.

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