
New Location for Trichotillomania Support Group in Seattle

April 02, 2010

Seattle Area Professionally Assisted group for Trichotillomania

A monthly group is forming the fourth Tuesday of each month at 5pm. It is located 318 W Galer Street, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98119. Cost of the Group is $50. per session. The group is open to adults who compulsively pull hair and are actively involved in an organized cognitive-behavioral therapy or self-help program (e.g., habit reversal training). Group size is limited to eight members.

Dr. Kosins is a licensed psychologist and Certified Group Therapist with 10 years experience treating compulsive hair pulling. He has been in private practice in Seattle since 1988, emphasizing cognitive behavioral therapy, group therapy, and treatment of anxiety disorders (including various OCD-spectrum conditions). He has facilitated numerous cognitive behavioral groups for OCD, panic, social phobia, depression, and other issues. He is a Clinical Instructor at the University of Washington Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry, and a member of the Trichotillomania Learning Center, the Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation, the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, and the Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy.

contact: David Kosins, 206-285-0900

Peer support group forming in Seattle area

Dates of meetings will depend on consensus, as well as location. For more information, contact Jessica at 206-291-5543 or


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