We are so excited to announce the release of our brand new product line: ReGenesis!
First, a little background on our new line. ReGenesis and RevitaLash were created by Dr. Michael Brinkenhoff, an ophthalmologist for over 30 years, after watching his beautiful wife, Gayle, struggle with hair loss due to her chemotherapy treatments. Gayle quickly became the inspiration for Dr. Brinkenhoff to create and deliver a product that would be able to help not only his wife, but also the general community at large, with their hair loss. Athena Cosmetics and RevitaLash/ReGenesis are a proud supporters of breast cancer research and education – and a commitment to the environment – all packaging now bears the Eco-coalition logo earned for being 100% recyclable – the company proudly continues its focus on responsible and compassionate business practices.
Now to share a little about our new products! Regenesis and RevitaLash are products made for use on anybody experiencing thinning, hair loss, or just wanting a fuller, thicker, head of hair! Regenesis hair products work by creating the best possible environment on your scalp for hair growth, combining the benefits of plant extracts and scientifically-advanced cosmetic ingredients rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins, lipids, proteins, biotin, and conditioning agents, the products help intensify the natural volume of hair while tending to the needs of a healthy scalp. As a system of complimentary products, ReGenesis collectively addresses any thinning, breakage and brittleness of the hair to promote thicker, fuller-bodied hair and a well-nourished, balanced scalp environment.