
Hair Loss Options - Wigs vs. Custom Hairpieces

January 20, 2010

Hi Everyone,

I get a lot of phone calls from people asking if we sell wigs, the short answer is "Yes".  The more complete answer is that a custom hair replacement system is NOT the same as an off-the-shelf wig. 

Our custom wigs and hairpieces are specifically designed to fit the exact specifications of your head-size, they are custom-colored to match your own hair color and unlike a standard all-machine ready-made wig, (human hair or synthetic) they are incredibly light and very comfortable to wear. 

At William Collier Design our expertise for the last 25 years has been in creating custom hair prosthesis (wigs) that are so natural looking - no one will be able to detect you're wearing one. Custom hair replacements include top of the head hair additions as well as full-cranial .

Please call or email us today with any questions or to schedule a free consultation to learn more about the work we do and to see andfeel first-hand the types of hair replacement we offer.

Judi Wygant-Collier

Here is some additional information from our website.....

William Collier Design provides custom cranial prosthesis for anyone experiencing hair loss of any kind – including hair loss due to chemotherapy and radiation therapy, genetic Alopecia, Alopecia Areata Totalis or Universalis.  Our complete line of semi-custom and custom cranial hair prosthesis includes design options especially for patients with hair loss due to medical treatment. In order for anyone, women in particular, to live a normal, active lifestyle it requires them to have hair that looks natural.

Finding a hair prosthesis that looks natural and is comfortable and secure allows people to go through this period of treatment with dignity and confidence. We are aware of the powerful psychological effect one’s appearance and attitude may have on the healing process. William Collier Design understands the personal needs of those experiencing hair loss. Whether it is short or long-term, many people, woman in particular, have expressed that hair loss is one of the most, if not the most difficult aspect of their treatment process. A person’s dignity may be significantly altered due to their hair loss. Wig shops traditionally offer cosmetic and fashion options with little or no privacy. A private, professional environment adds support and dignity to a potentially uncomfortable experience.

Many of our clients are working while going through therapy, and having no hair, or an uncomfortable, unrealistic snythetic wig is not an option. A cranial prosthesis that is a synthetic wig is not custom to the wearer— the fit may not be accurate, causing it to be irritable. A synthetic prosthesis, even if it is a “good one”—is not the most natural in appearance; the hair looks shiny and un-natural, becomes frizzy overtime, and cannot be re-styled or colored. Some people can actually have an allergic reaction to the synthetic fibers. It is not very breathable, so the wig can make the wearer perspire, causing more irritation to the scalp. And, if exposed to heat, around the oven or stove, the fibers will melt. Someone experiencing hair loss due to chemotherapy a/or radiation therapy needs a hair prosthesis that is the most natural in appearance, and most importantly—comfortable, as if it is a part of them. We provide full cranial prosthesis that allows our clients to feel comfortable, confident and secure.

Someone with long term or especially lifetime hair loss, needsit to be the most natural in appearance, and most importantly—comfortable, as if it is a part of them.

Why William Collier Design?

  • William Collier Design has been providing professional hair design, replacement and consultative services for people with all types of hair loss for over 30 years.
  • Continues to explore the industry for the most effective methods of resolving hair loss issues.
  • Personal attention in a private friendly environment.
  • Information on insurance coverage provided.
  • Professional guidance for the most appropriate choice.
  • Client education with regard to care and styling.
  • Membership in the American Hair Loss Council; Certified as a Hair Addition Specialist.

For more information please see our website:

William Collier Design,

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