
Give Courage to Someone with Alopecia this Holiday Season!

December 16, 2009

For most children the holidays bring feelings of excitement and wonder. For 11-year-old Michael, however, the 2008 holiday season brought him sadness and fear; he returned from holiday break with undeniable hair loss.

“I feel sad, mad and angry when kids call me names and tease me. I have been called bald eagle, light bulb & Mr. Clean.”


“Thank you for opening your hearts to me and my son Michael. It has been very encouraging to see kids growing up, living and coping with this disease with such courage and a sense of well being.”

Michael’s mother, Danette

Every donation counts! Our programs need your support

Help us be the miracle to individuals with alopecia areata this holiday season.

Each day children and adults worldwide are diagnosed with alopecia areata. In a moment their lives suddenly change and they are searching desperately for answers and for others who understand. More than anything, however, they need to know that there is hope.

Because of supporters like you the National Alopecia Areata Foundation can help individuals like Michael. NAAF is the first responder to those in crisis; NAAF is their link to the alopecia areata community; NAAF is the reason research is bringing us closer to a cure.

Your investment today will provide hope to someone in need. It doesn’t take much to make a difference:

•$25 can go toward educating someone just diagnosed about this disease and finding others with it

•$50 can aid in creating resources to help a child educate a potential bully

•$100 can assist with providing a young adult with the funds to help purchase that perfect hair

•$500 can help in allowing a researcher to go one step further toward looking for the missing link

I hope we can count on your support!

Vicki Kalabokes, President & CEO

P.S. Tell a friend about this campaign and help us provide more miracles to kids like Michael.

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